You can work in Germany if you meet all the requirements. This page will help you orient yourself. Before you start looking for a job, you should still seek individual advice. On this page you will find advice options. Whether you are allowed to work in Germany usually depends on your residence permit.
Do I have the right to work?
Whether you are allowed to work depends on your residence title (Aufenthaltstitel). If you are not sure which type of residence title (Aufenthaltstitel) you have, our webpage on “Asyl” may be helpful: /portal/en/asylum/.
Residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis): If your residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis) or your temporary residence permit (Fiktionsbescheinigung) says“Employment permitted” (“Beschäftigung erlaubt”), you may start working or begin an apprenticeship (Ausbildung). If your residence permit states “Gainful activity permitted” (“Erwerbstätigkeit gestattet”), you may also work independently, such as starting your own business.
Temporary suspension of deportation (Duldung), proof of arrival (Ankunftsnachweis), permission to remain while your asylum decision is pending (Aufenthaltsgestattung): After three months in Germany, you may apply for a work permit at the Immigration Office.
If you have been issued a temporary suspension of deportation (Duldung) and are required to live in an initial reception centre (Erstaufnameeinrichtung), you may apply for a work permit after living in Germany for six months.
If you come from a country that the German government labelled a “safe country of origin” (sicherer Herkunftsstaat) and have applied for asylum after 31 August 2015, it is unlikely that you will get a work permit. The countries of Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Ghana, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Senegal and Serbia are considered safe countries (sichere Herkunftsstaaten) of origin under German asylum law.
You can get advice about work permits from the following organizations:
The Flüchtlingszentrum (refugee center) provides comprehensive advice on the subject of work: Adenauerallee 10, 5th floor, please make an appointment:, +49 40 2840790 (Monday and Friday: 9 am – 1 pm, Tuesday and Thursday: 9 am – 1 pm and 3 pm – 5 pm),
The ÖRA (“Öffentliche Rechtsauskunft” (public legal information)) gives legal advice. Dammtorstraße 14, please make an appointment: +49 40 428433072 (Monday to Friday 8 am – 1 pm),
Welcome Center Hamburg, Süderstraße 32 b, please make an appointment:, +49 40 428395555 (Monday and Wednesday 1 pm – 3 pm, Friday 9 am – 12 pm (noon)),
Additional information for Ukrainian refugees:
General information on the subject of work, work authorization and social benefits in Germany can be found in Ukrainian on the following information website:
There is also a free hotline from the Federal Employment Agency (Federal Employment Agency) in Ukrainian or Russian. Questions about work, training (training) and further education are answered here:+49 911 178 7915 (Monday to Thursday 8 a. to 4 pm, Friday 8 am. to 1 pm).
Further information can be found here: .
What do I need to find work?
In order to find work, you usually need to be qualified for that work and have the necessary language skills. However, there are some employers who have adapted to the work of foreign-language employees, where you do not need to prove a minimum language level (for more information, see the section: How do I apply for a job?).
For the recognition, further education in Germany might be necessary. You can find more information about this here: /portal/en/education/.
You can find information on which certificates and qualifications you need in order to do a certain job in Germany here: You can also learn who is able to recognise your certificates and how the process works.
Training and education:
Many jobs require a completed apprenticeship (Ausbildung) or a university degree. You can do both regardless of gender or age.
You have the right to take part in training or to study regardless of your gender or age.
You can find more information about studying and preparing for an apprenticeship in Germany here: /portal/en/education/.
An apprenticeship (Ausbildung) is an alternative to studying at a university. In this case you learn a profession or trade. A high school diploma (Abitur) is not required. An apprenticeship (Ausbildung) takes two or three years. During this time, you work in a company and learn important information for the job in a vocational school as well. Sometimes you can continiue to work in the company where you completed your apprenticeship. You usually earn between € 500 to € 1000 per month. In 2020, a minimum wage for apprentices was introduced. If you have started your apprenticeship from 01.01.2024, this amounts to € 649 and increases with each additional year of training. However, there are exceptions to this obligation, for example if the company has a collective agreement.
You can do an apprenticeship (Ausbildung) if you have a residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis). If you have a temporary suspension of deportation (Duldung) or permission to remain while your asylum decision is pending (Aufenhaltsgestattung), you will need a permit from the Ausländerbehörde (foreign nationals authority) (Hammer Str. 30-34, please make an appointment: +49 40 428992288 (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8 am – 1 pm)). You may request a permit when you have lived in Germany for three months or longer.
If your asylum application is denied while you are doing an apprenticeship (Ausbildung), you may request a temporary suspension of deportation due to an apprenticeship (Ausbildungsduldung) so you can complete your apprenticeship (Ausbildung). After successfully completing your apprenticeship (Ausbildung) your temporary suspension of deportation (Duldung) can be extended for another 6 months.
If you end your training prematurely, you may request to extend your temporary suspension of deportation (Duldung) for another six months in order to find a new training place. You may do this only once.
A temporary suspension of deportation due to an apprenticeship (Ausbildungsduldung) can be denied if your deportation has already been ordered or if you are subject to measures terminating your stay.
Instead of a temporary suspension of deportation due to an apprenticeship (Ausbildungsduldung), you can also apply for a temporary residence permit for vocational training for people who are obliged to leave the country. To do so, you must be able to support yourself and fulfil the passport requirement. Unlike the temporary suspension of deportation due to an apprenticeship, this permits the holder to travel abroad, for example, and facilitates the cancellation of the residence requirement. In addition, the time spent in the apprenticeship is counted towards the pre-stay period for the settlement permit. If a temporary suspension of deportation due to an apprenticeship already exists, an application for the change to a residence permit for vocational training for people obliged to leave the country is necessary.
In any case, seek comprehensive legal advice before applying for a temporary suspension of deportation due to an apprenticeship or for a residence permit for vocational training for people who are obliged to leave the country.
In most cases, you will only be admitted to a vocational training programme from language level B2. You can find information on German courses here: Some apprenticeship training providers also offer language courses themselves.
After you have successfully concluded your apprenticeship (Ausbildung), it is usually possible to apply for a residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis) that allows you to stay for two years. Seek advice from the Flüchtlingszentrum or the Hamburg Welcome Center.
You can find information and application forms for a temporary suspension of deportation due to an apprenticeship (Ausbildungsduldung) or residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis) here
Before you start an apprenticeship, these programmes may be of interest to you:
- As a newly arrived young person between the ages of 16 and 18 who is required to attend school, you can take part in a vocational training preparation programme for migrants (AvM-Dual).
- You can take part in a vocational orientation programme for migrants (BOF).
- There are information events on the subject of apprenticeship in the skilled trades.
You can find more information on this in the section:, How can I prepare for a profession other than by studying?
More information on apprenticeships (Ausbildungen) is available here:
NEW STEP! Opportunity for migrants in Hamburg! The project helps migrants from Ukraine to find their way around in Germany and successfully master their first steps in everyday life. The course shows what the world of work in Germany looks like. The course always starts on Mondays. (Monday to Friday 9 am – 12:15 pm and 1 pm- 4:15 pm). Further information in German and Ukrainian can be found here:
How do I find work?
If you are at least 25 years old and are looking for work, you can get advice from Team Flucht und Asyl (Team Refuge and Asylum) at the Agentur für Arbeit (Employment Agency). Further information:
You can also contact the Hamburg Job Centre: , Kurt-Schumacher-Allee 16, please make an appointment:, +49 800 4 5555 00 (Monday to Thursday 8 am – 4 pm, Friday 8 am – 1 pm)
Team Flucht und Asyl can provide you with advice on work and training in Germany in multiple languages and inform you of other ways to get help. You should bring your credentials and information on your previous training and work experience to a discussion with the Team Flucht und Asyl.
If you are younger than 25 years of age, go to the Jugend-Berufsagentur. .
If you do not have the support of an official office for a job search, you can apply to jobs on your own.
You can find job offers on these websites, among others:, www.jobbö,,
If you have professional experience in trade / handicraft (Handwerk) and are looking for an internship or a job in trade / handicraft (Handwerk), the IQ project “Jobstart begleiten” can support you. Do you have German language skills at level B2 and can be reached by phone and email? Then make an appointment: IQ Project “Jobstart begleiten” at Elbcampus, Zum Handwerkszentrum 1,, +49 40 35905 610 (Monday to Thursday 9 am – 4:30 pm, Friday 9 am – 4 pm). You can find more information here (only in German):
If you would like to have a mentor to help you with your job search and applications, you can turn to a mentoring project:,, or You can find more information on mentoring projects here: /portal/en/hamburger-kennenlernen-eng/.
In Germany, workers have rights, such as the right to paid leave and a minimum wage. These rights apply to you as well. If you feel that you are not being treated fairly, you may turn to the Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbund (DGB) for advice. Besenbinderhof 60, please make an appointment: +49 40 2351960.
The project “Faire Integration“ of the Hamburg Welcome Center can give advice on the topic of work (German, English, Arabic, Russian). Süderstraße 32b, 4th floor, please make an appointment:, +49 40 428 39 5590 (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8:30 am – 4 pm, Wednesday 12 pm (noon) – 4 pm),
You can find information regarding labour law, safety and health regulations at work during the corona pandemic here:
If you are looking for a job, it can also help to talk to as many people as possible about it: use contacts you have with Hamburg residents or other refugees or approach the companies directly in person. You can also offer to do a trial day. It has a positive effect on an employer when someone shows active commitment to finding a job.
Setting up business (Existenzgründung)
You can find organisations that support you and give you advice if you want to set up your own business (Existenzgründung) here. Setting up business (Existenzgründung) means that you are self-employed and do not work for another person.
- LeetHub St. Pauli e.V., Bernstoffstraße 118:, +49 1732876797,
LeetHub offers three different programms. You must already have your own business idea. - MoveON is a group course lasting 4-6 months that prepares you for setting up your own business (Existenzgründung), The course meets up once a week for a workshop and a mentor will support you.
- The Projektwerkstatt is a group course lasting 3 months that gives you first hands-on experiences of starting a project. The course meets up once a week and a tandem partner will support you. (Apply here:
- StartNoW is an individual coaching program and helps you implement your business idea with a flexible schedule. Register under
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft selbstständiger Migranten e.V. (ASM),
Schauenburgerstraße 49:, +40 40 38038170, - Unternehmer ohne Grenzen e.V., Neuer Kamp 30:, +49 40 43183063,
Contact points especially for women
Here you will find contact points that specifically promote and support women on their way into work:
Bin e.V., Hasselbrookstraße 164, +49 40 53549003 (Monday to Friday, 8 am – 5 pm)
Filia.die Frauenstiftung, Alte Königstraße 18, +49 49 380381990 (Monday to Thursday 10 am – 6 pm; Friday 10 am – 3 pm).
The MiA programme offers courses in which women can talk together about topics that are important to them, meet new friends and improve their German. A course lasts 34 hours, spread over several weeks and months. The Mia programme is only aimed at migrant women over the age of 16 who have not yet obtained a school-leaving certificate or vocational qualification. You must also belong to one of the following three groups:
- You have permission to stay in Germany permanently but do not have German citizenship or
- You are an asylum seeker and come from Afghanistan, Eritrea, Somalia or Syria or
- You are an asylum seeker and came to Germany before 1 August 2019. You have had a residence permit for at least three months. Your country of origin is not a so-called safe country of origin. You are employed or looking for work or have a child who is not of school age.
You can call the MiA programme offices or send them an e-mail:
- AWO AQtivus Servicegesellschaft gGmbH, Adenauerallee 2, +49 40 28 40 72 140;
- BI Bildung und Integration Hamburg Süd gGmbH, Rudolfstraße 5, +49 40-75601230 ;,,
- Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V., RV Hamburg, Integration Department; +49 40 – 650 54 143;
Further information can be found here:
Information on childcare can be found here:
Additional information for Ukrainian refugees:
You can find a free application guide for Ukrainian refugees here: .
Special offers for Ukrainian refugees:
A well-structured overview of all questions on the topic of finding a job in Northern Germany can be found on the page of Nordherz in Ukrainian, Russian and German:
Specifically for Hamburg, there is also a Facebook group of the working group of the North German Ukrainian Support Staff, where FAQs on the topic of work in Hamburg, as well as job offers and requests from and for Ukrainian refugees are posted.
Digital job fairs
More and more websites are connecting Ukrainian refugees seeking work with employers who offer jobs specifically to refugees from Ukraine. However, the jobs often require knowledge of German. Find out more about these opportunities and arrange a German course at the same time (
General job fairs:
- UA Talents, (in English)
- Adecco: (in Ukrainian)
- Employ Ukraine: (in Ukrainian)
- Help2Work not only offers a recruitment service, but also provides information on labour law and recognition procedures. Registration in Ukrainian:
Jobs for the creative sector:
- Mriya wants to enable musicians from Ukraine to continue their profession. (Ukrainian/German).
- Designmadeingermany (job offers and workspace): (Ukrainian/German/English)
- The Goethe Institute and the Forum Artists at Risk offer support for Ukrainian cultural workers:,creative%20artists%20fleeing%20from%20Ukraine
- Funding for artists that fled Ukraine can be found here:
Jobs in architecture and engineering: (Ukrainian/German).
Information website of the city of Hamburg for Ukrainian-speaking teachers:
Offers for co-working spaces in Hamburg:
It is possible to pursue one’s work in larger or smaller premises alongside other people in various places in Hamburg. Below you will find a list of offers in Hamburg:
- Welcome to Barmbek: Refugees can use the PC workstations free of charge. Registration via susanne.feess@haus-am-schlicksweg. Address: Welcome to Barmbek e.V., Schlicksweg 39,
- Kohero Magazine: Providing office space for Ukrainian journalists, translators and people who want to tell their story. There will be drinks, snacks and conversation partners. Address: Kohero Magazin, Bernstorffstraße 118 (Tuesdays from 12 pm (noon) – 4 pm and Thursdays from 10 am – 6 pm),
- Book halls (Bücherhallen) Hamburg: Free workstations and free WLAN are available at the 35 locations in the city ( You can find the locations here:
- On the following websites, as a Ukrainian refugee you can also search (nationwide) for current co-working space offers.
- FreeDesks4Ukraine: (Ukrainian/English)
- Coworking for Ukraine: (English).
An application guide for Ukrainian refugees can be downloaded free of charge under the following link:
How do I apply for a job?
What documents do I need and what should I look out for?
The documents you need to apply for a job are different for every job. The employer will tell you what documents he or she needs. You can also ask the employer. Please always submit your documents in a neat, organised and tidy manner.
Frequently requested documents are
A CV (usually with a photo, if in doubt ask your employer)
A letter of motivation/cover letter
Certificates and attestations of acquired qualifications such as vocational training, educational qualifications or references from previous employers
What do I need to consider in my cover letter/letter of motivation?
Do not write a cover letter that is too formal. It should suit you and your language level and also be readable for yourself.
It is important that you introduce yourself as a person. For example, answer the following questions: What is important to me in my work? What are your goals in your working life? Why do you want to do this particular job with this employer? What skills do I have that qualify me as a person for this position? You can consider answering the following more personal questions, for example: How long have I lived in Germany? What motivated me to come to Germany? Do you have children?
What do I need to consider in my CV?
Please mention all your professional and academic stations and experiences, even if you have no proof of them. Every new experience leads to new skills and can therefore be of interest to the employer.
In Germany, it is often still customary to attach a photo to a CV. Please do not use leisure photos as application photos. You can have yourself photographed by a professional photographer or by a friend in front of a plain background (e.g. a white wall). Make sure you look friendly in the photo.
What do I need to bear in mind when looking for a job?
If you are allowed to work (for more information, see the section: Am I allowed to work?) and are looking for a job, register as a jobseeker at the Job Centre: Kurt-Schumacher-Allee 16, please make an appointment:, +49 800 4 5555 00 (Monday to Thursday 8 am – 4 pm, Friday 8 am to 1 pm).
The job centre will send you around 2 to 3 job offers every month, usually from the hotel, cleaning or care sector, which you can apply for.
As soon as you find a job, you must deregister with the job centre by means of an informal letter. The job centre will then check whether the salary you earn from this job is sufficient to live on. If it is very low, you will receive additional social benefits. You can find more information on this at:
Are there certain sectors in which I have a particularly good chance of finding a job without previous professional experience?
- Care sector (hospitals, nursing homes, etc.) from language level B1/B2
- Hotel and catering industry/preferably in system catering, i.e. initially without customer contact (McDonalds, Starbucks, Vapiano etc.) (from language level A1/A2)
- Elevated railway, HVV, train driver, professional driver from language level B1 The HSL Akademie (Spaldingstraße 110) has an explicit training programme for refugees and non-German-speaking applicants ( You must be at least 20 years old, have a school-leaving qualification or completed vocational training, have language level B1 and be able to prove your health and medical suitability. For further information on what documents are required (e.g. translation and recognition of your qualification), please contact HSL on +49 40 414 333 929 (Monday to Thursday 9 am – 4:30 pm and Friday 9 am – 3 pm or by email at ).
- Childcare – Social pedagogical assistance from language level B2
Specialised training centres for the profession of social pedagogical assistant can be found here:
Staatliche Fachschule für Sozialpädagogik FSP2, Max-Brauer-Allee 134; +49 40 428 11 29 78 (Monday to Friday 7:30 am – 9:30 am, 10 am – 11:30 am, 12 pm (noon) – 1:30 pm); personal opening hours: Monday to Friday in room H 0.17, 8 am – 2 pm.
The training course is aimed at women and men with a history of migration who have not graduated from a regular German school and do not have a German vocational qualification, are at least 20 years old, have a secure residence status, have their first place of residence in Hamburg, can provide proof of a B2 German language certificate and pass the German entrance examination at the FSP2|BS21 and receive an education voucher from the job centre.
Before applying, please contact the administrator at your job centre or employment agency to clarify whether you are entitled to an education voucher. After a positive decision by the job centre / employment agency, please contact the responsible advisor at FSP2|BS21: Tuesday: 7 am – 9 am, +49 40 428 11-17 03 or by e-mail:
Please apply in writing by letter by 31 March of each year for the next training start at the FSP2|BS21.
- Logistics industry
What do I do if I lose my job?
If you are dismissed, register as a jobseeker with the Job Centre (Jobcenter), the Employment Agency (Agentur für Arbeit) or the Youth Employment Agency (Jugendberufsagentur). You may be entitled to social benefits. You can find more information here: Kurt-Schumacher-Allee 16, make an appointment in advance:, +49 800 4 5555 00 (Monday to Thursday 8 am – 4 pm, Friday 8 am to 1 pm).
In addition, you may have options under labour protection law to take action against the dismissal. Seek advice from a lawyer or the Hamburg Welcome Centre:
- The Hamburg Welcome Centre’s ‘Fair Integration’ project can advise you on the subject of work (German, English, Arabic, Russian). Süderstraße 32b, 4th floor, make an appointment:, +49 40 428 39-5590 (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 08:30 am – 4 pm, Wednesday 12 pm (noon) – 4 pm),
What is an internship?
An internship (Praktikum) provides the opportunity to get to know the day-to-day work in a profession. There are many different types of internships (Praktika) in Germany. Some are paid, some are not. Sometimes you can later get a job at a company where you have completed an internship. You can find advice on internships here:
Flüchtlingszentrum Hamburg: Adenauerallee 10, you need to make an appointment:, +49 40 28 40 790 (Monday and Friday: 9 am – 1 pm, Tuesday and Thursday 9 am – 1 pm and 3 pm – 5 pm),
CJD,, +49 40 21111810,
Who is allowed to do an internship?
Everyone is allowed to do an internship (Praktikum) without regard to gender, age or qualifications.
If you have a residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis), you can do an internship without permission. If you receive money from the Jobcenter (job centre), the Jobcenter generally has to agree to the internship (Praktikum).
But you may also do an internship (Praktikum)
- if you have a temporary suspension of deportation (Duldung) and no ban on employment.
- if you have a permission to remain while your asylum decision is pending (Aufenthaltsgestattung).
In most cases, an internship (Praktikum) is possible after three months of living in Germany. With a temporary suspension of deportation (Duldung) or a permission to remain while your asylum decision is pending (Aufenthaltsgestattung) you require the permission of the Ausländerbehörde.
You can do these internships (Praktika) if you have a permission to remain while your asylum decision is pending (Aufenthaltsgestattung) or a temporary suspension of deportation (Duldung):
Work Shadowing (Hospitation): You visit a company as a guest and look at the work options. You cannot work yourself. You do not need permission from the Ausländerbehörde.
School Internship (Schulpraktikum): You can do this internship while you are attending school. You do not conclude a contract with the company yourself (only your school does). You do not earn money and you do not need permission from the Ausländerbehörde.
Internship for Career Orientation (Praktikum zur Berufsorientierung or „Schnupperpraktikum“): This internship (Praktikum) can last up to three months. You do not earn money. You need permission from the Ausländerbehörde.
Introductory Training (Einstiegsqualifizierung „EQ“): This internship (Praktikum) is supposed to prepare you for an apprenticeship (Ausbildung). It can last between six and twelve months. You can apply to the Arbeitsagentur for financial support. The internship (Praktikum) is meant for people aged 25 or lower but exceptions are possible. You need permission from the Ausländerbehörde.
If you would like to learn German or improve your German, have a look at our webpage “Learning German”: /portal/en/learning-german/.
Last Updated: 26.01.2025