If you have fled from Ukraine, this information on the humanitarian residence permit in accordance with Section 24 AufenthG is particularly relevant for you:https://we-inform.de/portal/de/aufenthaltstitel/ This can be applied for relatively quickly and easily. You are also allowed to work with this residence permit. This page is only important for you if you want to apply for asylum instead.
There are advice centres that help with asylum procedure. You can find several of them below. You should absolutely make use of these advice centres! This page does not replace any legal advice, but only provides an initial orientation. The employees of the advice centres may also recommend lawyers to you, if required, who can answer more specific questions and support you further. 

1 What is the Ankunftszentrum Rahlstedt (Rahlstedt arrival centre), and what do I need to do there?

Arrival in Hamburg

First, you need to report to the Ankunftszentrum in Rahlstedt (Bargkoppelweg 66a).

You will be registered there. During the registration process, the centre will record your personal information, such as your name and birthday, take a photo and get a copy of your fingerprints. Next, the centre will decide in which German federal state your asylum procedure will take place. You will be informed of this decision immediately.

Generally, you do not have any influence on the decision. There are exceptions, however, such as severe illness or a disability. For this reason, be sure to include this information.

Some people are particularly in need of protection and support during their asylum procedure (besonders schutzbedürftig). For instance, (unaccompanied) minors, people with disabilities, older people, single parents of minors, people with severe bodily or mental illness and victims of violence belong to this group. If you have seen or lived through bad experiences, this can also lead to mental issues. Then you are also particularly in need of protection (besonders schutzbedürftig). In this case, your needs have to be taken into consideration during the asylum procedure. Contact an advice centre.

You can find further information and advice centres in the sections “Trauma and mental stress” and “Support for refugees with a disability” on our page on the topic of health: https://we-inform.de/portal/en/health/

2 How does the initial registration work?

Asylum procedure outside of Hamburg

If your asylum procedure takes place in a different German federal state, you will immediately be informed of that. You will also receive a notice of place to go (Anlaufbescheinigung) with an address. This is where you will be able to apply for asylum. You will receive a train ticket to get there.

If you are only able to travel to your destination on the next day, you will be staying in the Ankunftszentrum for the night. You will only receive a proof of arrival (Ankunftsnachweis) once you reach the destination stated on the notice of place to go (Anlaufbescheinigung).

Asylum procedure in Hamburg

If your asylum process is to take place in Hamburg, you will receive a proof of arrival (Ankunftsnachweis) immediately. Ensure that your name and date of birth on the proof of arrival (Ankunftsnachweis) are correct!

Now you are officially registered as an asylum seeker in Germany. However, you have not yet applied for asylum.

The proof of arrival (Ankunftsnachweis) is valid for up to 6 months. At the moment it is often issued for 1 week. If you do not get another residence title (for example a permission to remain while the asylum decision is pending (Aufenthaltsgestattung)) before the proof of arrival (Ankunftsnachweis) expires, contact the Ausländerbehörde (foreign nationals authority) at the Ankunftszentrum or at Hammer Straße 30-34. If you lose your residence title, you should also contact them.

As soon as you receive the proof of arrival (Ankunftsnachweis), you have the right to accommodations, meals and medical care. Further information can be found here: https://we-inform.de/portal/de/finanzielle-unterstuetzung/, https://we-inform.de/portal/de/gesundheit

Generally, you are not allowed to leave Hamburg as long as you are required to stay in an initial reception facility (Residenzpflicht, residence obligation). If you still need to travel for important reasons, you must submit an application. More information can be found here: https://we-inform.de/portal/de/wohnen/.

Always carry your proof of arrival (Ankunftsnachweis) and IDs you receive in your accomodation with you!

3 What is the initial examination (Erstuntersunchung)?

Subsequent to your registration, you will undergo an initial medical examination (Erstuntersuchung) in Bargkoppelstieg 10-14. This includes a X-ray examination (Röntgenuntersuchung), a blood sample and a brief physical exam. The examination is important in order to detect and treat infectious diseases. You can also get vaccinated.

Women may request a female doctor.

4 How do I apply for asylum, and what is the hearing (Anhörung)? 

You submit your official asylum application to an employee of the BAMF (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, Federal Office for Migrants and Refugees) and obtain a permission to remain while the asylum decision is pending (Aufenthaltsgestattung).

With this permit, you are only allowed to stay in Hamburg. This is known as the residence obligation, which applies as long as you are required to live in an initial reception facility (usually for a maximum of 18 months). If you no longer have to stay in an initial reception facility, this obligation only applies for the first three months in Germany. If you still need to leave Hamburg, you can apply to the BAMF: at the Arrival Center (Ankunftszentrum, Barkoppelstieg 10-14)or at Concordiahaus B (Sachsenstraße 12+14). A valid reason is required for this, such as appointments with lawyers, doctors, an authority, or a court. If you have an appointment with an authority or court, you generally do not need to submit an application. However, you must inform both the initial reception facility and the BAMF about this appointment.

Always carry the permission to remain while the asylum decision is pending (Aufenthaltsgestattung) with you!

Dublin III

If you were already registered in another country, you will be asked about this. You were registered there if for example your fingerprints were recorded. A common European system allows the German authorities to find out about an earlier registration in another European country. You may have to go through your asylum process in that other country. You will be taken back to that country to do so. If necessary, seek help from an advice centre.

Hearing (Anhörung)

The hearing (Anhörung) is critical to the asylum application process. There, you explain why you left your country. Since this hearing (Anhörung) is especially important, you should prepare in advance.

It is possible that your hearing (Anhörung) will take place shortly after your arrival, possibly even on the same day as your official asylum application. Therefore, you should be prepared for it and visit an advice centre in advance if needed.

You can find more information about the hearing (Anhörung) here: https://we-inform.de/portal/en/hearing/

You can find the standard questions here: https://arrivalaid.org/anhorungsbegleitung-en/ (English)

https://arrivalaid.org/anhoerungsbegleitung-klagebegleitung/ (German)

Further information in various languages:https://www.asylindeutschland.de/de/film-2/ (German, English, Arabic, Farsi/Dari, Kurmanji, Tigrinya, Russian)   

https://www.asyl.net/view/information-zur-anhoerung-im-asylverfahren (German, English, Arabic, Farsi/Dari, Kurmanji, Tigrinya, Ukrainian, Russian) 

The decision-maker and an interpreter attend the hearing (Anhörung). You may bring someone with you, if you would like to. However, this person must be registered with the BAMF in advance and may not participate in the same asylum process. Lawyers or guardians do not require prior registration.

Try to bring evidence to support your statements, if possible.

Please inform the BAMF if you are not ready to talk about stressful experiences.

Women can have a female decision-maker and interpreter on request.

Specially trained decision-makers are also available for victims of torture and human trafficking.

5 What happens once a decision has been made on my asylum application?


 If a positive decision is made regarding your application for asylum, you receive a residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis) as an electronic residence permit (elektronischen Aufenthaltstitel (eAT)). This entitles you to an integration course (Integrationskurs) and you can start working.

If you would like your family to be able to move to Germany ( Familiennachzug), your family must apply for a visa. Your family submits the application to the responsible diplomatic mission, i.e. the German embassy abroad. You yourself can submit a notification within 3 months of a positive decision on your asylum application in order to facilitate the reunification of your family. You can fill in and print out the application and the notification online:https://fap.diplo.de/webportal/desktop/index.html. For more information on when family members are able to come to Germany, get advice from an advice centre.

Note: Family reunification (Familiennachzug) is heavily limited for one-year residence permits (subsidiärer Schutz, subsidiary protection). or holders of a residence permit under § 25 paragraph 3 of the Residence Act (Aufenthaltsgesetz, AufenthG) (Abschiebungsverbot).For this reason, you should go to a legal consultation as soon as possible after receiving your status, so you do not miss any deadlines for legal action against the decision.

No asylum

If your asylum application is denied, you will receive a negative decision and a request for you to leave the country.

You can take legal action against the refusal. Depending on the type of rejection, the time limit to do this is only 1 or 2 weeks. For inadmissible or clearly unfounded claims the limit is 1 week. For this reason, check your mail regularly. In the event of a refusal, you should contact an advice centre as soon as possible. Otherwise, you are promptly obliged to leave the country. If you do not comply with this obligation to leave, you may face deportation (i.e. forcible return to your home country) and an entry ban.

The countries of Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Ghana, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Senegal and Serbia are considered safe countries of origin (sichere Herkunftsstaaten) under German asylum law. For this reason, the chances of success for an asylum application are poor. However, the BAMF is obligated to carefully review each asylum application.

Temporary suspension of deportation (Duldung)

For various reasons such as the situation in your country of origin or your health, it is possible that you receive a temporary suspension of deportation (Duldung). When you have a valid temporary suspension of deportation (Duldung), you usually cannot be deported. However, the temporary suspension of deportation (Duldung) can be revoked at any time.
If you start an apprenticeship (Ausbildung) during that time and in case you are allowed to do that, you can apply for a temporary suspension of deportation during an apprenticeship (Ausbildungsduldung) that is valid for up to three years.

If you only have a temporary suspension of deportation (Duldung) you have many disadvantages compared to a residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis). For example, it is possible that you are not allowed to work and there is no safe future regarding your stay. You should therefore always go to an advice centre.

Still undecided

If you do not receive an immediate decision on your asylum application, you get a permission to remain while the asylum decision is pending (Aufenthaltsgestattung) for up to 6 months. Again, please ensure that your name and date of birth are correct. If your permission to remain while the asylum decision is pending (Aufenthaltsgestattung) expires, you need to apply for an extension at the Ausländerbehörde at the Ankunftszentrum or at Hammer Straße 30-34.

Advice on returning: If you would like to return to your home country or must go back due to a refusal, the Flüchtlingszentrum, Adenauerallee 10, can provide consultation and support for the return trip.

What should I do if my residence document expires or I lost it? 

If your residence document expires, you must contact the Ausländerbehörde as soon as possible. You can submit an application for an extension there. You can do this online at the following link. You must first agree to the data processing. You will then be asked for information about your current residence permit and any changes in your life. You can also upload documents. After your request has been processed, you will receive an appointment: http://serviceportal.hamburg.de/HamburgGateway/Service/Entry/AFM_Aufgen  (German) or http://serviceportal.hamburg.de/HamburgGateway/Service/Entry/AFM_Auf_en/ (English).

Your residence document is still valid as soon as you have submitted the application. It makes sense to have it confirmed that you have submitted the application. You can ask for an informal certificate. This is usually sufficient. However, you will need, for example, a formal certificate stating that your residence document is still valid (Fiktionsbescheinigung) if you wish to enter or leave the country. In the online form, you can ask for a certificate in the following field: “Wenn Sie uns noch etwas sagen möchten, können Sie das gerne hier eingeben:” (“If there is anything else you would like to tell us, please enter it here:”). For example, write: “Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich wäre Ihnen dankbar, wenn Sie mir eine formlose Bescheinigung zusenden könnten, mit der Sie mir die Antragsstellung bestätigen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen” (“Dear Sir or Madam, I would be grateful if you could send me an informal certificate confirming that I have submitted my application. Yours sincerely”).

Always carry this letter with you. In case your residence title is expiring soon and you have not yet received a letter, contact the Ausländerbehörde (m328@amtfuermigration.hamburg.de, +49 40 428992288, Monday to Thursday 8 am – 2 pm, Friday 8 am – 12 pm)

Further information on contact options can be found here:https://serviceportal.hamburg.de/HamburgGateway/Service/Entry/AFM_Aufgen/ 


In case you lose your residence title you should also contact the Ausländerbehörde. You have to get a written confirmation of loss (Verlustbescheinigung) from the Ausländerbehörde (Hammer Straße 30-34) that is valid for up to 14 days and receive an appointment to get your residence title. If your residence title was stolen you can also contact the police.

What Advice centers are there for refugees?

In these advice centres you will receive help with your asylum procedure. The advice is free and confidential. The employees in the advice centres speak many different languages!

flucht•punkt: Eifflerstraße 3, fluchtpunkt@diakonie-hhsh.de, consultation by phone: +49 40 43250080 (Monday 10 am – 12 pm, Wednesday 10 am – 2 pm), consultation in person (wearing a medical mask): Wednesday 10 am – 2 pm, https://fluchtpunkt-hamburg.de/fluechtlingsberatungsstelle-hamburg/

Flüchtlingszentrum (refugee centre): Adenauerallee 10, please make an appointment: info@fz-hh.de, +49 40 2840790 (Monday and Friday: 9 am – 1 pm, Tuesday and Thursday: 9 am – 1 pm and 3 pm – 5 pm), www.fz-hh.de

Advice centres for refugees

Café Exil: Hammer Straße 10, +49 40 2368216, Monday: 10 am – 1 pm, 3 pm – 6 pm, Tuesday: 9 am – 1 pm, Thursday: 3 pm – 6 pm, Friday (women only): 10 am – 1 pm, http://cafe-exil.antira.info/

Refugee Law Clinic: Free legal advice on the Dublin process, family reunions, preparation for the asylum hearing as well as for women, girl and LGBTI refugees. Further information and consultation hours: www.rlc-hh.de

Consultation by video chat: Friday 3 pm – 6 pm, register until Thursday 8 pm by email: rlc-beratung@uni-hamburg.de (if a translator is needed, please state so); link for the video chat will be received via email.

You can find contact details for lawyers specializing in migration law here: https://we-inform.de/portal/de/rechtsanwaeltinnen-im-migrationsrecht/

Deportation detention counseling (Abschiebeberatung)

What is detention pending deportation (Abschiebehaft)

Detention pending deportation is similar to imprisonment. People can be detained if they disappear or they do not leave the country even though they are not allowed to stay in Germany.

What does deportation detention counseling help with?  

The deportation detention counseling supports you if you are in deportation detention or if you have been ordered to be deported.

Advice during/before detention: The staff at the deportation detention advice center can support and inform those affected before and during detention and be available to them as a contact person during the detention period.

Checking the legality of the detention: The staff can also check whether the detention pending deportation is lawful and whether you are entitled to compensation.

Submitting applications to court: The deportation detention counseling can also support you in preparing applications and submitting them to court.

Efforts for early release: The deportation detention counseling service will make every effort to ensure that you are released from detention as soon as possible. 

Important information

Deportation detention counseling cannot help you to obtain a residence permit.

The deportation detention advice service will support you, but cannot guarantee that you will be released from deportation detention even if you have been detained unlawfully. 

Contact details

E-mail: info@abschiebehaftberatung-nord.de 

Website: abschiebehaftberatung-nord.de

Last Updated: 12.01.2022